Experience the Thrill of Volcano Boarding in Nicaragua

There is nothing as thrilling as sliding down an active volcano, as you penetrate the wind in an uncontrollable speed. A volcano called Cerro Negro, present in Nicaragua, offers this peculiar and crazy experience in the form of volcano boarding. If you crave for incessant adrenaline rush, this is your sport.

Cerro Negro is a 161 years old active volcano present in the Cordillera de los Maribios mountain range. It is approximately 2388 feet tall, and is also famous by the name of black hill. As its surface is full of tiny black rocks, it is easy to slide down.

To begin the volcano boarding, you have to first hike the mountain. It takes around 45 to 60 minutes. If it’s too much of a windy day, you may feel like you would fly away. In such cases, hold on. The wind eventually slows down.

Such disruptions are nothing for the daredevils who are walking over an active volcano! When each part of your body is craving for a blood-pumping experience, that’s when you get into the state of valiant action. The real fun begins at the top when you board the sledge.

The sledge has a rope attached to it so that you can control your speed. Remember, you cannot change the direction, and the only way is down! Due to the friction present between the sledge’s metallic and the volcano’s rocky surface, plastic is fixated at the bottom of the sledge to keep the ride smooth.

You are given a suit to wear along with googles and leather gloves. After all, safety comes first. It protects you from potential crashes. The rocky surface might not seem much intimidating, but its tiny rocks are sharp enough to slash your clothes.

The slope is steep, but you don’t have to worry. There is always the option of using your feet to control your speed. You may want to try one of your crazy poses on the sledge as you slide down, so you can get an Instagram-worthy picture of your adventure. But to keep the speed of sledge high, prefer sitting down. It lessens the chances of accidents as well.

As you go down, the world becomes blurry, and you are engulfed by the sheer exhilaration of boarding down at an indefinite speed. Small pebbles and rocks may attack your face, but when you are experiencing such a rush while volcano boarding, you may not even notice it. Beware of putting your feet down while sliding down in a very high speed, as it may lead to a crash. It has already happened to many other adventurers. Don’t be scared of the speed, but just enjoy it with your each breath.

Volcano boarding is the kind of sport you must try to experience raw thrill and excitement. The feeling of being on the top of an active volcano is intoxicating. The ride is short, but you may want to try it over and over again.

That’s how volcano boarding over Cerro Negro hypnotizes you and makes you forget about controlling your own body for a brief period of time.